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Give it to ya till you're screaming my name.

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♥Wednesday, 12 October 2011♥

now tell me what should i do ? i really don't know what to do . yesterdae i plan to slack with him . for the very the last time . just to heel my heart pain . bt , then yesterdae was the worst lepak ever . i get to know he like this girl . and he plan to make that girl like him . then he will start confess his feeling to that girl . in fact i do know who is the girl he like . bt , then i just be strong and accpt the fact . that he is not mine . just need to pray hard that one dae they are together . as long thats what make him happy . im okae . i don't give in . abt it . although i still like or love him . bt , whats the point . if him dont even care abt my feeling . yesterdae . before i go home . i plan to asked can i hug you abit longer . bt , then i didnt tell him . he hug me for so long . till now i feel his hug . and make me miss him . i wont tell him that i miss him . coz , i know wont care abt it . si jyeah . im here trying to be strong face all this . i will smile infront him . like what i always do . while my heart is still in pain . bt , is okae . let me feel the pain . bt , not him . i will try my very best to forget abt him . i know is hard. bt , i have no choice . i just to wait till someone stole my heart like he stole my heart . he really a different guy . that i knew before . i miss the way he make me laugh . i miss the way he make smile . i miss the way he treated me like im someone special to him . i miss the time he confess that he admire me . i miss the way he joke around with me . i miss the way he call me EX , WIFE . :') Part time husband . i will never this date 29072011 ~ the day you confess to me that you like me . part time husband . i will never forget the dae you make me fall in love with more .

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 11:11 pm

♥Monday, 10 October 2011♥

Heyy Readers ! been busy , so have no time to update . so jyeah ! sorry readers hehes !
here the story i wanna share with you guys . im seriously in a confused mood . and don't know what should i do right now . haish ! how im supposed to forget a guy that i really in love with . i waited for him almost going to five month . yes , i admit he do tell me that he admire me . and i told him that i like him too . bt , when im trying to get closer with . he feel irritated with it . kae , fine . i accept that reason . so try to seldom text him or even meet him . hmm . bt , then . after a few month later . i get to know that his fall in love with a girl in my sch . bt , then i think back . does he ever care abt my feeling toward him for the past few month ? do he ? i don't know . yes , i admit i do fall for his words that came out from his mouth . i can't resist it . im weak i guess . i dont know . haish ! he did told me about the girl he fall in love with . i hold back my tears . i try to be strong with . bt , in the end i hurt myself . haish ! yes , i wanted forget about him . bt , i can't . he keep playing on my mind every now and then . and for the first time . everytime i saw a guy . i wont get attracted with them . although those guys a more cute and hot then him . bt , as for me his hot and cute then those others guys . i dont know how i feel right now . everytime he smile or hug . i fall in love with him more and more . i can't bare with it . i just wish , that one dae he know how i feel toward him . i wish he know that i waited for him for a very long time . just pray hard that one dae he would be mine and i could treasure it and last long . hmmmm . haish !
Till here then . i will try to update soon aitee ? See ya ! With love Nanaah<3

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 7:01 pm

♥Wednesday, 17 August 2011♥

hey , currently now im in class . bt , im not in ther mood to do anything . bt , seriously i feel like crying . :'( can i cry please ? haish ! i guess now i have to be strong to forget and ignore abt him . coz , i feel is not worth it for me . if i like that person bt , that person don't even care what i feel . so what for . i guess . KARMA just hit me . so , i have to bare with it lah . Haish . i just hate this feeling so FUCKING MUCH ! :(

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 10:56 pm

♥Sunday, 14 August 2011♥

hey peeeps !
yeah , i know is been a very long time i didn't update my blog .
hahas ! been busy with sch . bt , i will prominse i will update my blog . starting from now . hahas !
just hope you guys didn't get bored visit my blog yeah .
hahas ! hope you guys doing fine . coz , im doing fine . :)
So take care guys .

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 6:41 am

♥Monday, 7 March 2011♥

Im still awake ..Gosh ! Time check 12.50pm...
Haish ! stupid Project Management ...grrr !
have to do this and that...
Hate it man...
And im not sure..what time im going to bed ...
im too tired and sleepy..cant take it sey... gosh ..
All my team member dont want to do .. Fuck right ? I know .. haish ! what to do .. i wanna get great Mark..so have to do my very best..hmm ..

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 8:48 am